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  • How do I know what fund to select?
    The five funds we currently have open are: Giving from an Individual - Pickerington Giving from an Individual - Canal Winchester Giving from a Church/Organization - Pickerington Giving from a Church/Organization - Canal Winchester Building Fund For your general tithing, you will want to select "Giving from an Individual" and the congregation you frequent most. All giving should be marked as "from an individual," unless you are giving from a business account. If you are one of our partnering businesses or churches, giving from your business/church account, please select Giving from a Church/Organization and the congregation you wish to support. If you are not giving from a business account you should not use either of the Church/Organization funds. If you wish to support our Building Fund in addition to your monthly tithing, please select the Building Fund drop-down.
  • How do I edit my giving fund?
    If you have recurring giving set up with Maranatha you can edit the fund/s you are currently giving to by logging onto your GivingFire account. Once logged in, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and select "My Reoccurring" from the drop-down. Click the blue "view" button. On the right side of the page, there will be a green button that says, "Change Giving Amount/Fund." You'll be able to select the appropriate fund here.
  • What if my giving has been going to the wrong fund?
    If you find that your giving has been going to the wrong fund, there is no reason to worry. We are one church, with one operating budget. These systems are in place to help us track and meet the needs of each congregation. For this reason, we ask that you take the time to check that your giving is going to the appropriate fund. If you do not currently have giving set up you can quickly access each of our funds by clicking on them below. Giving from an Individual - Pickerington Giving from an Individual - Canal Winchester Building Fund


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